While you were snoozing last week, a group of Democratic senators were at work on the Senate floor. Senator Brian Schatz said:
We have a simple message for all Americans: We’re not going to rest until Congress acts on the most pressing issue of our time.
A lack of jobs? Americans losing their health insurance? The deficit? Which of these issues did Schatz and his 30 cohorts stay up all night to debate and demand action on?
Climate change. That is right, with Americans dropping out of the workforce in record numbers and cancer patients unable to see their doctors, our leaders are taking turns talking on the floor about global warming. And according to a spokesman from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s office, this is not the last time that we will hear from the Senate Climate Action Task Force.
This is just a desperate attempt to appeal to their donor base and bring a non-issue to the forefront to distract from Obamacare, a weak president, and an ailing economy. The war on women was last election season’s non-sequitur (and no doubt it will be in full-swing again come this November), and we’ve already heard from the President and other members of Congress this year that we need to make addressing climate change a major priority.
But while the Democrats may want to hang their 2014 hat on global warming, climate change is, to voters, a relative non-issue. See this Pew poll from January: of a whopping 20 issues tested as policy priorities, the American public put global warming in 19th place, above only global trade issues. This is not some sort of statistical abnormality — global warming is routinely found at the bottom of the list.
Fun fact: Anthony Watts pointed out that the Senators conducted their talkathon from the warm and cozy Senate floor, courtesy of the Capitol’s coal-fired power plant.
“We’re not going to rest until Congress acts on the most pressing issue of our time.”
The affordable care act? Quantitative easing? Unemployment? Russia and Ukraine conflicts? Giant deficit?
“Climate change.”
Oh… well yeah I guess we should recycle more.
Not that the environment isn’t a pressing issue, but there are many more important issues that affect all Americans and their immediate future. For this to be named as the most pressing issue is buffoonery.
Exactly. How about they not rest until they figure out how to not cause most Americans insurance premiums to rise 30-50%.
“Fun fact: Anthony Watts pointed out that the Senators conducted their talkathon from the warm and cozy Senate floor, courtesy of the Capitol’s coal-fired power plant.”
In the context of the blog post, this fact makes me happy. And sad.
Just more of the useless government same ol’ same ol’.
The World’s Scientists providing data to the International Policy Committee on Climate Change, IPCC, in their Fifth Assessment Report concedes for the first time that global temperatures have not risen since 1998, despite a 7 percent rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
To put that into perspective, global human CO2 emissions in the last 15 years represent about one-third of all human CO2 emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution, and yet temperatures didn’t budge.
Nearly all of the UN-approved climate computer models were wrong. The IPCC finally admitted as much.
Yet our certain government officials continues to play the “guilt” game for their self-seeking agenda and sustainment of power.
This must end, we must stop being subject to lies and deceit at the hands of these corrupt politicians on this charade!