Environment Policy Digest and the Global Warming Primer: For those who need to read!

It’s time I did some long overdue promoting of the entire gamut of the environmental work that the NCPA does.  If you are reading this, then you already know about my blog so I won’t dwell on it further.

First, I want to take a second chance to promote the NCPA’s new, updated edition of its best-selling Global Warming Primer.  This paper provides a great response to alarmists’ claims about the coming climate apocalypse.  It is a great educational publication for kids and adults.  You can download copies for free or you can get a hard copy for a small donation to the NCPA.  We have discounted rates for bulk orders (good for school presentations).  See the video first then explore the Primer online.

Second, if you don’t already, you should subscribe to Daily Policy Digest, the NCPA’s daily summary of the top five or six policy stories from papers, magazines and research papers each day.  Along with the daily short summaries, every week on Thursday you will receive a summary of the week’s environment policy stories – Environment Policy Digest.  This week’s issue can be found at the previous link.  Take time, look it over and look at the archives.  Good quick reading.

Finally, I’d like to promote the NCPA’s environment publications.  Like the blog, we publish work from the best scholars and researchers around the globe – experts in their fields.  Each publication is concise, easy to read and packed with information.


Comments (3)

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  1. James says:

    If you have an interest in polar bears, the Global Warming Primer is definitely for you. There is studies in it that show that their population is actually increasing!

  2. Rutledge says:

    NCPA’s Daily Policy Digest is superb. Great way to get a summarized version of articles

  3. Dewaine says:

    Great info. I hadn’t seen the primer, I’m looking forward to it.