Tag Archives: conservation

Lower Energy Prices Help Many Americans Stay Warm

Many Americans struggle during the winter with expensive and excessive consumption of energy resources to keep warm. Inflated energy prices really puts a strain on many families and their budgets. However, this upcoming winter will be a bit easier to get through, thanks to the fracking boom.

  • Propane prices are 24 percent and consumption is 13 percent lower.
  • Oil price reduction allows a 15 percent reduction in heating oil energy spending.
  • Homes will use 10 percent less gas and 5 percent gas bill reduction.

The recent fracking boom has not only lowered energy prices for consumers, but also benefited the United States economy. Fracking’s benefits are very important to American consumers. This benefit will increase as fracking technology advances and the option to export our natural resources becomes more of a reality.

Death to Direct Payments

For years congress has tried to dismantle Direct Payments to farmers. These payments are subsidies that occur every year despite whether the farmers need them or not. This creates a void in case of disaster, and that’s where crop insurance will step in. From now on farmers will only be paid in case of a loss, at which point the government will help pay a percentage of that insurance. This means billions of dollars of savings for the taxpayers, and creates a system that is both different and intelligent.

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