Administration Invokes “Yellow Peril” To Peddle Green Energy
In a recent address before the National Press Club in Washington, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the United States is in clear danger of losing the “energy race” to China.
“For centuries, America has led the world in innovation. Today, that leadership is at risk,” he added. America, he went on, “still has the opportunity to lead the world in a new industrial revolution. But time is running out.” His audience sufficiently alarmed, Chu made his pitch: “Federal support of scientific R&D is critical to our economic competitiveness.”1
And there we have it. In the world of Secretary Chu, the only thing that can save us from being steamrolled by the Chinese is the lavishing of taxpayer dollars on people and projects carefully selected by the powers-that-be in Washington. Specifically, Chu is desperate to protect his cherished Energy Innovation Hubs (regional collaborative efforts involving academia, the government, and the private sector) and similar green-energy programs from the ravages of congressional budget cutters next year.