Volatility Myth of Energy
Brookings Institution’s article claiming that falling oil prices will not hurt renewable “clean” energy wrongfully tries to make a comparison. Oil prices do fluctuate a good amount, and are part of a really good openly traded market. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, are not openly traded in a market and are heavily subsidized. This makes these two renewable energy sources over-priced and not yet ready for consumers. All energy sources are benefiting from improved technologies and domestic reserves and production forecasting are both increasing each year, doubling by 2021.
Increased oil production domestically and around the globe means lower oil prices and are good for the American consumer. It is still too early for renewable “clean” energy to be a viable option for Americans. Once energy sources like solar and wind are no longer supported by government and openly traded, then we will be able to compare them to other energy sources.
“Once energy sources like solar and wind are no longer supported by government and openly traded, then we will be able to compare them to other energy sources. ”
Another AMEN!