Oregon & EPA Launch Aggressive Moves Against Coal

Oregon is now one of the first states to announce that it plans to officially wean itself off coal consumption. Governor Kate Brown signed a bill that prohibits the state’s utilities from purchasing coal-fired power after 2030. The bill is largely symbolic, since Oregon is not a coal producing state and consumes very little coal. In fact, Oregon produces and consumes far more hydroelectric energy than coal and natural gas.

  • The level of coal consumption has been steadily rising in Oregon.
  • Coal consumption is only 3 percent of all fossil fuel consumption.
  • Coal consumption is only 2 percent of all fuel and renewable energy consumption.
  • Hydroelectric power accounts for close to 35 to 40 percent of all of Oregon’s energy consumption.

In addition to Oregon’s anti-coal move, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that 11 states have failed to submit plans to reduce sulfur dioxide air pollution. The EPA says the states have not reduced their emissions enough to meet federal limits or submitted plans to the EPA outlining how they will meet an October 2018 deadline for meeting standards.

Both of these efforts will more than likely have very little effect. Oregon is not much of a coal consuming state and the EPA’s deadline comes after the next federal administration is sworn into office.

5 thoughts on “Oregon & EPA Launch Aggressive Moves Against Coal”

  1. I have two questions. 1) Where in the U.S. Constitution is the permission for the E.P.A. to have it’s powers? 2) Why is there little or no discussion of magneto hydrodynamic generators using powdered coal?

  2. If up to 40% of Oregon’s power is hydroelectric, where’s the other 60% coming from – nuclear? I doubt that and doubt the greens would tolerate it. And while it’s grand so much of Oregon’s power is hydro for most of the rest of the nation, it simply isn’t practical or available. Few states have 14,000 foot mountains and cascading water.

    1. I’ll add that in fact there are efforts in many states to remove damns to return the land and water to its natural and original state. No damns. No hydro.

    2. That is energy consumption data. However, as far as electric power is concerned, Oregon’s mix is 75% hydro and renewables, with the rest in the form of natural gas and a little coal.

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